
The Black PEARL©-Pretty, Educated, Aware, Refined, Ladies-Program is an initiative created by La Perle Noire LLC which is designed to teach and encourage young women on how to tap into their inner being and accept who they are instead of what they are not. We are devoted to educating young girls on self-confidence and a positive self-esteem.

The true essence, power, strength and beauty all rely within ourselves. PEARL’s underlying message for young women is to seek approval within without seeking the approval of others. We moderate and encourage a series of discussions and workshops shaped by our own curriculum on self-esteem, beauty and wellness. Our curriculum has been developed to address the sensitive and difficult topics that arise during the teenage and adolescent years.

We want to provide the guidance needed to persevere through difficult situations. Too often young women compare themselves to false images of perfection and depictions seen in the media, advertisements and on television. In extreme cases this has lead to self-loathing emotions, physical alterations and self-deprecation. Our goal is to encourage young women to know and understand that they are beautiful. This means being able to change the way we think about ourselves and understand that as young adults living in today's society, it is important to view and acknowledge all forms of beauty, as oppose to one particular image of beauty that may corrupt the minds of teens and lead to self hatred.

La Pearl Noire’s PEARL Program coaches through presentations and demonstrations on the history of fashion (including budgeting style advice and fashion tips), make up tutorials, skincare, hygiene, courage and confidence advice to begin to foster positive self esteem in young women. With all the controversial issues concerning women today, it is imperative for young women to understand the structure and importance of our image. Reestablishing what self confidence and self esteem is, is important. We want to streamline that message.

“Black Pearls are found 1 in every 10,000 oysters. With the beauty and rarity it posses, it is important for every girl to know that they are a Black Pearl waiting to be discovered”.

Phylicia D. Henry


“From Urban Girl to Black Pearl”

